Your Thinking
Jonathan Drew MBE FRCP Edin ACC
is a former British Ambassador and High Commissioner and an experienced coach.
He specialises in 1-to-1 leadership, executive and career coaching as well as coaching for small teams. He also offers team coaching and facilitation on diversity and inclusion…
What is coaching?
Ever felt a bit stuck on what to do next? Have you sometimes sensed you were a bit alone and wanted an extra thinking partner to help you meld your thoughts for the future and achieve the goals you really want?
If so, coaching may be your answer. A coach helps you explore the blockers that may hold you back, chunk down your path to success and help you achieve your goals, whilst being naturally you. A coach will also challenge you to experiment, take action and reflect on what you have learnt about yourself.
As a coach, Jonathan helps clients focus on how to meet their goals; be they a better work life balance, gaining promotion or changing career, developing as a leader or devising the right strategy to ensure actual delivery.